
Image result for wondedClosed eyes, Open soul
Healed? Maybe... maybe so.
Years passed, gruelling torture.
Mind, body, spirt, heart... Let go, let go.

A simple glimpse of the past,
opens a longing never grasped.
Coldness, behind a warm smile.
Darkness, behind bright brown eyes.

A common name, owned by many.
Rings in my head, lingers quite frequently.
I shout, covering my mouth with both hands
The name that haunts my mind and breaks my heart.

Sunset, an island in the East.
A memory, makes me feel at ease.
A smile, a hug.
Tropical drinks, a beer mug.

Fire, Sand, Water, Air. Elements collide.
A foreign, yet familiar hand holding mine.
Memories fade, forever cherished.
A love inside, never vanquished.

I wept ...
